Subhata Leather Peach Collection 2016-17 By Shariq

Subhata Leather Peach Collection 2017: Shariq always tries to bring some thing new in textile designing and this time shariq has introduced Leather Peach fabric which is a unique fabric and none of designer has used this fabric yet,
and it is the distinctive quality of this Leather Peach Winter Collection 2016. Shariq's these dresses are not only for the Pakistani community but also for the international communities because it is reflecting both western eastern cultures. The use of shawls has enhanced the look of the dresses. Use of Leather peach as a fabric in ensembles in pair with embroidered shawls will not only feel you cozy as well as to make women happy due to prices. 

Subhata Winter Shawl & Leather Peach Collection 2017

This winter mostly designers prefer to design Middle length shirts, short shirts in pair with tulip shalwar and trousers  Shariq textile has also followed same theme in its Latest Shariq Subhata Winter Collection 2016-2017. Shariq has not stops here two more amazing shawls catalogue on the way. Get ready ladies and start count down because Shariq is going to throw another Exclusive Shawls Collection 2016-17 in markets which will be in your pocket approach very soon.
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